Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Problem with Adults

With the holiday season approaching- we are once again reminded of how stupid adults are.
Yes, mind you I am an adult, but when it comes to this subject, I am far from stupid.

Winchester, MA- A principal has canceled a field trip to see "Miracle on 34th Street" performed at a local theater. The reason, some parents complained. It's too focused on "Santa Clause", and they found it offensive.
Respectfully to those parents- go bite yourself. No wonder we have such hatred in this country. You're not teaching your kid tolerance, you're teaching ignorance. Yes, I am Catholic and celebrate Christmas. That doesn't mean for one second that I won't be teaching my daughter about the other celebrations that take place at the same time. She should know how other religions celebrate at this time. Not ignore the differences her friends may have.

These are the modern day Scrooges. These are the people that make it miserable for everyone else. What have you proved? That you can bully a class of 7th graders? Must make you feel big, stand tall and be proud. These are the parents that no longer hear the jingle of the bell from the Polar Express. These are the parents that don't believe in magic or miracles. These are the parents that want their kids to be little adults rather than kids.

In a day and age where love and tolerance should be at an abundance, it is hanging on by a thread. Why are you so angry at Christmas? Did you not get that puppy at age 9 that you wanted? That's no reason to take it out on the younger generation.

Attention the the school that my child will be attending in the future: If any of this goes on while she's in school, expect a call from my civil rights lawyer. Why should we be discriminated against because of the few unhappy souls out there?

Lighten up, let the kids be kids, they have long enough in their life to be miserable adults.

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