Saturday, July 15, 2006

Permanent Birth Control

Ok I just gotta talk about this, parents that either do stupid things that involve their children, or endanger their children, or heaven forbid, kill their children. These people should have to be subjected to permanent birth control, a tubal for the mom and the big old snip for the dad.

First off, parents that do stupid things with their kids. Example. There was a young couple up here that was selling drugs out of their hotel room. When the cops busted them, guess where the drugs were found? In the baby's crib. That's right, in the crib. People that do things like this, take the kid away and don't let them reproduce again.

Second, endangering your child. I don't care if you were just going into the store for a minute, take your child out of the car and take them in the store with you. Just because your lazy ass doesn't want to take the time to buckle and unbuckle the baby, means you don't deserve the right to be a parent. Leaving your child unattended in any situation is negligent on the parents part. Take the child away, and permanent birth control. This is your child, you are responsible for them. Don't leave them in a swimming poool while you go inside to make a phone call. Anything can happen a probably will. Take the time to put your needs aside and take care of that child.

Then there are the animals that take their children's lives. Forget birth control- death by firing squad. Not just any firing squad, it will be made up of people that for some reason can't have kids of their own. These parents that have taken a childs life should look into the eyes of those who heartbreakingly have the ability to be great parents but, due to circumstances beyond their control, can't. I can't understand how you can look into the eyes of an innocent child and kill them. You hate the world, kill yourself, leave your kids alone.

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