Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Little Monsters/ AKA Bad Parenting

I was going to post this last week, but didn't have the time.
A note to 90% of the parents out there - YOU'RE NOT FIT TO BE PARENTS!
Now you may ask why the anger. It's called Halloween. I LOVE Halloween. It's a time for kids to dress up as anything and have fun. The benefit, free candy.
Here's my issue. I have a child that will be turing one soon. So the local mall had Trick or Treat inside the mall with various stores handing stuff out to the kids. I thought "WOW what a great idea, it's safer and she won't have to freeze going from house to house."
BIG MISTAKE! You know how the mall is the week before Christmas? Multiply that by 10. It was an utter chaotic mob scene. Here are the things that ticked me off:

First, this was for the KIDS- that means adults/teenagers it does not give you the right to dress up, and push little kids out of the way so you can get free candy. It's shameless. Get a life.

Second, parents teach your kids MANNERS- I can't tell you how many merchants we went to and the little monsters didn't even say "Thank You" to the employees that were handing out the candy. You aren't OWED the candy, you're lucky you're getting it- be gracious for crying out loud!

Third, be respectful of the other kids around you. There were many little kids there that night, and I can't tell you how many times I saw older kids walk right in front of the little ones that were waiting for candy. I can tell you it happened to me in every store. I got so fed up by the end I actually snapped at an older kid and told them to get in line like everyone else.

What does this prove? Parents are not doing their jobs to teach kids right from wrong. Sure, yeah it's Halloween and the kids are excited to get candy, but that's no excuse for being rude to everyone else who is trying to enjoy the experience. In my opinion, parents should be ashamed of themselves for their kids behavior. My child has just as much right to enjoy herself on a holiday as your little monsters.
I think parents should be warned, if I come across your little moster, I'm gonna confront you on it. So start teaching your kids the right way to interact and be around people, because you never know where I'll be.

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