Monday, November 20, 2006

We wonder why other nations hate up/think we're crazy. Just look at last week. We're robbing/shooting/rioting over a VIDEO GAME! This is insane! Have we really lost our way that much? I mean, why have we become so materialistic? There are people in our own country that have nothing, yet people have to fight over a video game, just to go and re-sell it for 3 times it's value.
Then I read in my morning paper that a thief took off with a Salvation Army pot. The real kicker- the Salvation Army volunteer had Downs Syndrome and was too afraid to stop ringing the bell and go into the store they were in front of and report it. Luckily a store employee saw the whole thing and called the cops.
I'm sorry, I'm mad, people need to go back to basic values. We need to teach our children right now what's important and what's not. I'm so sick of this "I have to be better than everyone" attitude. We're going downhill fast, with no breaks on.
Am I the only one this mad at the state of the people in this country? Please give me something positive to restore my faith in humanity.

1 comment:

-Ysadora said...

Wow, I totally agree with you. Sometimes I just can't comprehend what the human race has come to, there are such evil people here on earth. :(