Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Christmas Push

Am I the only one that can't stand when September comes around? Not becuse it's getting cooler and the days are getting shorter, but because retailers consider this "The Christmas Season".

I swear, the second Labor Day is over, I see Christmas items popping up on shelves. It makes me sick. Hello, there are two other MAJOR holiday's before then, not to mention a holiday to celebrate the person that discovered this place and a holiday to remember all the service men and women of this country.

We've lost the holidays of Halloween and Thanksgiving to make way for huge blow up yard Santas.
I love Halloween, it's my favorite holiday. How can you plow over a holiday where you dress up as anything you want? It's still fun to play make believe.
Poor Thanksgiving, it has it even worse. As we progress through October, the Christmas push gets even bigger. I remember putting up decorations for Thanksgiving, but no more, it just gets shoved aside.

Don't even get me started on those people that shop for Christmas gifts in June. Are you kidding? Do you have nothing better to do in the summer? You can really ruin it for the rest of us. Start your shopping like the rest of us, after Thanksgiving.

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