Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Super Huge Shout Out to Bravesgirl5

I'd just like to take the time to give encouragement and credit to Bravesgirl5 on You Tube.

You see, all this girl was doing was making a remeberance video for 9/11, when she was bombarded with hate mail. This in turn has caused her to shut down, not make the video and stop posting on You Tube.

Bravesgirl5- I admire you for what you were going to to. We need more people like you who stand on their own two feet. We have become a country of sheep, following blindly where government is leading us. It is sad to see that we have learned nothing from that day.

Bravesgirl5- never give up and keep posting no matter what anyone says to you. Each and everyone of our voices must be heard no matter how loud or soft we are.

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