Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I know it's Cliche......

But mean/rude people really do suck!
Let me give you an example. A couple of weeks ago I went out with the baby to a store. Now when we left the weather was fine. The minute I hit the parking lot- BAM- downpour, a really heavy one that can make your car float away.
Ok, so I get the baby out of the car, I'm cradling her in one arm while holding on to the umbrella with the other. Do you know not one person let us cross from the parking lot to the store! People, you're in a car! You're covered and protected! I'm not asking for the world here, but a little common courtesy would have been nice.
All I'm saying is people think- next time you see someone caught in the rain (figuratively and litterally), be kind and let them cross- one day it might be you.

1 comment:

xianfu said...

how rude was that!!!... it reminds me of my exprience with a taxi driver who thinks Im a dumbass by charging me more... anyway, u have an interesting blog here...It got me addicted on reading it.. Keep it up.. leave me some comment too at my blog InvernoKL wanna have ur words on it.. :p take care, xian